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Consulting the Oracle

Writer's picture: Calley SmithCalley Smith

One of the most frequent comments we get at shows (although there is a slew of positivity and compliments as well!) is people reporting, "I already have a ton of oracle decks at home I don't use. I really don't need another one." often with the followup, "I don't even know how to use oracle decks, I just buy ones I think are pretty!"

So I wanted to dive into my personal feelings about oracle decks, why I make them and what I really think they do. Oracle decks are tools of insight, reflection, and guidance. They are more than just a stack of beautifully illustrated cards; they are mirrors to the soul, pathways to the subconscious, and keys that unlock the mysteries within. Each card in an oracle deck carries a unique energy, symbol, or message that can speak directly to the innermost thoughts and feelings of the person consulting it (or illustrating it. Every card I work on sticks in my memory like a time stamp of music I was listening to when I drew it, what points in my life I was referencing with it, and cultural influences at the time.)

Why do people consult oracles?

Seeking Clarity: Life is a labyrinth of choices, challenges, and crossroads. When faced with uncertainty, people turn to oracle decks to shed light on their path. The cards can offer perspectives that were previously hidden or unconsidered, providing clarity when the mind is clouded with doubt. This type of insight comes in the form of synchronicities, or 'eureka!' moments that can occur when simply framing a question a different way, or noticing details you hadn't previously. Even small changes to your point of view, such as using a card deck instead of calling up your bestie who gives the same advice every time you ask can open up new possibilities.

Guidance and Decision-Making: Humans have a deep-rooted need for guidance, especially when navigating life's major decisions—be it in love, career, or personal growth. Oracles serve as a sounding board for the soul, helping people weigh their options and see the potential outcomes of their choices. More often than not when we are faced with obstacles, they are impossible to keep in perspective or gauged accurately in severity because we find ourselves in the center of the turmoil. Getting above the problem and looking down from a new vantage is a great way to narrow down what choices are actually within your power to act on. Decision fatigue, or being overwhelmed by a seemingly huge number of options is a major source of human anxiety and stress. It clouds our vision, and makes it impossible to act in our own self interest. There are ill-meaning people and forces looking to take advantage of our distraction and make us feel like we have no choice but what THEY want us to do. So mindful practices like journalling and card reading are important for slowing our decision process down and taking our power back.

Self-Reflection and Introspection: At their core, oracle decks are tools for introspection. They encourage users to look inward, confront their fears, acknowledge their desires, and understand their motivations. By interpreting the cards, people explore their subconscious mind, often discovering hidden aspects of themselves. This shadow work and self therapy is an important aspect of holistic wellness and checking in with our mental health. Simply holding space for such a practice and protecting time for self care goes a long way toward personal sovereignty and self awareness. By reinforcing the idea that you are worthy of care on all levels, including psychological, you create a buffer of protection for your peace.

Connection with the Divine or the Higher Self: Many see oracles as a bridge to the divine or their higher selves. Consulting an oracle can feel like opening a dialogue with the universe, angels, spirit guides, or ancestral wisdom. It’s a way to tap into a greater consciousness, seeking answers that transcend the mundane. A simple invitation of guides or ancestors into your life can be enriching in surprising and profound ways. It is so hard in this day and age, especially when many of us have challenging relationships with parents or immediate family, to be compelled to turn to ancestors for guidance. But we must remember to keep an open mind, the more recent generation of wounds and traumas is not necessarily a full reflection of lineage, and there may be paragons of virtue and strength farther back in our line that we could call in during times of crisis. You are the result of a thousand loves, all of those people that came together and made it work so that you could have a chance to be here now can be called upon as reminders of our shared humanity.

Emotional and Spiritual Comfort: There's a comfort in feeling connected to something larger than oneself. In times of emotional distress or spiritual crisis, oracle decks can provide solace, reassurance, and hope. The act of drawing a card and contemplating its meaning can be a ritual that grounds and centers the seeker. One thing I put a lot of thought into as I work on our decks is the emotional impact each card will have on the reader, and what I can give of myself to possibly connect to them and pass something on. This is particularly true in the Stellar Fable Oracle, which was based on a lot of my trauma and pain. On the outside it may seem like a colorful, chipper kind of deck full of happy animals but each of the stories is really based on a major hurt or disappointment in my life I am hoping to spare someone else from or at least sympathize with them on. Some symbols are a lot easier to communicate through than the kind of psycho-babble that is so in vogue, which works best between doctors and patients and not so well between those sharing grief.

Creative Inspiration and Problem-Solving: For some, oracle decks are a source of creative inspiration. Artists, writers, and creators often consult the cards to break through creative blocks or to inspire new ideas. The imagery and symbolism on the cards can serve as a muse, sparking fresh perspectives and innovative solutions. Cards themselves are the source of so many creative works, sometimes even entire fantasy worlds, as we see in Card Captor Sakura and other tales which bring tarot characters to life! Josh and I really like to design decks which can be used in divination but also serve as study tools. I frequently use our decks as references, especially Body Sense, for illustrating points in conversation and solving problems. They are a lot more intuitive and tactile than trying to pinpoint the right line in a book, and I find they are a lot warmer than a Google search which lacks a certain human touch.

Ritual and Routine: Engaging with an oracle deck can be a daily ritual that adds structure and mindfulness to a person’s routine. The simple act of drawing a card each morning can set the tone for the day, providing a focus or a lesson to carry forward. Most of all, having a deck available as an alternative for an otherwise destructive behavior, such as venting uncertainty through doom-scrolling, or getting in an argument with a loved one over a stressful issue, can be a very powerful tool to avoid negative consequences. It is an easy out, giving yourself permission to be uncertain and calmly exploring that feeling instead of lashing out. This is the use I had in mind when I was working on the Venus & Mars Conflict Resolution Card Game, which was unsuccessful in its initial funding campaign but stay tuned we will be trying again in the spring! I wanted to create a conversation tool to make difficult topics much safer between couples, to make it easy to have respectful and productive discussions even when resentment has been building. The more that cards become a widely used and accepted tool for navigating the flow of life, the more intentional we can all become with our communication! We can use them to invite one another to walk together on our journeys for a time, and share a structured experience that protects us from the pitfalls of a 'blank slate' conversation. Anyone who has ever initiated talking with someone they fancy can attest that the scariest feeling is the vast unknown of a brand new chain of dialogue. Card decks can so quickly break the ice and bridge connections, which is why party games like Cards Against Humanity and Apples to Apples work so well!

In essence, people consult oracles to tap into the wisdom that lies both within and beyond themselves. It’s a dance with the unknown, a quest for understanding, and a journey toward alignment with one's true path. Whether used for mundane guidance or deep spiritual inquiry, oracle decks are allies on the path of self-discovery and personal evolution. So even if you have a bunch already, consider trying one of ours! We put a lot of love into them, and think you will love them too.

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